Speaking Course

$14 USD
Number of Class
25 min
Class size
1 - 3
Language This course will be taught in English only.
Start Date Jul 06, 2024 (Sat)
Time 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sat)
Sign-up deadline Jul 01, 2024 (Mon)

Course Overview

The ideal environment to improve speaking skills is an environment where students can “imitate the expressions of others” and receive “instant feedback from their teachers”.

Thus, the Speaking Course by Grow Rich sessions gives the children more opportunities to speak out. Teachers will keep the conversation going by sensing the topics that the children want to speak about through their previous answers, as well as giving constant feedback.

At Global Step Academy’s Speaking Course by Grow Rich, our curriculum ensures that even children not used to English conversation will develop their speaking skills from the basics.

Increase your level incrementally with every lesson

  • Level 1 Responding to questions with 3 sentences
  • Level 2 Responding to questions with 5 sentences
  • Level 3 Being able to ask 3 questions per topic

<Question Examples>

  • What do you do before you go to bed?
  • Do you like to watch movies?
  • What is your favorite season?
  • What language do you want to learn other than English?

Lesson Flow:

① Answering Questions
We will give feedback on answering techniques and connecting sentences.

② Practicing
We will practice correct ways of answering questions, including word choice

③ Referring
Children will learn new ways of expressing themselves by watching how other students interact with teachers and answer questions.

Lesson Schedule

Speaking Course by Grow Rich Lesson 1

2024/7/6 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sat)

Language Requirement

Speaking Course: Language Requirement

Students who sign up for this course will be required to meet the following language requirements:


Speaking Skills:  Intermediate

  • Students will need to be able to respond in basic sentences.

Listening Skills:  Intermediate

  • Students will need to be able to follow simple verbal instructions.

Reading Skills:  Intermediate

  • Students will need to be able to read simple sentences.

Writing Skills:  Intermediate

  • Students should be able to write simple sentences.


*For students currently taking an ELA program, they must currently be within ELA Advanced K and above to participate.


Cancellation Policy

You may cancel anytime before the application deadline and you will not be charged any cancellation fee. However, if you cancel after the application deadline, 100% of the course fee will charged as a cancellation fee.

Other Available Times

Speaking Course

Start Date: Jul 30, 2024 (Tue)
Time: 07:00-07:25 EDT (Tue)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 25, 2024 (Thu)
Start Date: Jul 14, 2024 (Sun)
Time: 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sun)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 09, 2024 (Tue)
Start Date: Jul 21, 2024 (Sun)
Time: 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sun)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 16, 2024 (Tue)
Start Date: Jul 27, 2024 (Sat)
Time: 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sat)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 22, 2024 (Mon)
Start Date: Jul 28, 2024 (Sun)
Time: 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sun)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 23, 2024 (Tue)
Start Date: Jul 20, 2024 (Sat)
Time: 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sat)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 15, 2024 (Mon)
Start Date: Jul 09, 2024 (Tue)
Time: 07:00-07:25 EDT (Tue)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 04, 2024 (Thu)
Start Date: Jul 16, 2024 (Tue)
Time: 07:00-07:25 EDT (Tue)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 11, 2024 (Thu)
Start Date: Jul 13, 2024 (Sat)
Time: 00:00-00:25 EDT (Sat)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 08, 2024 (Mon)
Start Date: Jul 22, 2024 (Mon)
Time: 05:00-05:25 EDT (Mon)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 17, 2024 (Wed)
Start Date: Jul 22, 2024 (Mon)
Time: 07:00-07:25 EDT (Mon)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 17, 2024 (Wed)
Start Date: Jul 23, 2024 (Tue)
Time: 07:00-07:25 EDT (Tue)
Sign-up Deadline: Jul 18, 2024 (Thu)


Miyu Tanimukai
Hiroki Kato
Yoshio Ogino
子供に対して旅行について質問をするが、子供は自分で旅行先を選ぶわけではないので、何をしに行きどう感じたかを話すのは難しいと思う。また、ここ一年はほとんど行けていないので、古い記憶になりほとんど幼児のため、覚えていることは少なく語れることがあまりない。低学年以下の子供に対しては別の質問にしてほしい。 また、せっかくグループなのに他のお子さんと話し合うことがない。一つのテーマでディスカッションするとか、口々に話させた方が会話が弾むのでは。機械的に順番に質問し、正しい答えに直して書き取らせるだけでは、楽しくなく、Speakingのスキルが上がると思えない。
Alina Kojitani
娘の考えた答えを訂正して、自然な英文にしてくださいます。 次回につながるスピーキングのアドバイスが、とても有り難いです。
Sana Kiyomizu
昨日初めてspeaking groupを受講した娘が、とっても面白かった!また申し込んで!!と言っています。 しかし、、5月まで予約全て埋まっており全く予約できなくて残念です
Saki Okamoto
Keishu Kura
Mayu Baba
Mayu Baba
他の生徒さんの受け答えを聞けるのはとても有効と感じました。トピックが身近で自分の好きなことを伝えることが課題だったので本人は楽しんでました。 予約がいっぱいで取りにくい事については、曜日などが増えたようで助かります。予約サイトの利便性が向上するとありがたいです。グループから入り、一つレッスンを選択してから、1レッスンづつ見て行かないとレッスンの日時も空き状況も見れません。検索を可能にするとか、一覧で観れる機能を希望します。 また8月のレッスンはいつになれば予約・空き状況の閲覧が可能でしょうか? 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
Maya Miyake

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